Audio transcription is nothing but the process of converting voice to text

Audio transcription is nothing but the process of converting voice to text. It can be performed quite comfortably with the help of a transcriptionist. The audio transcription is not only meant for serving as a record, but it is quite useful for those who possess hearing disabilities as they can't hear the speech or music in a movie. There are transcription companies that are expertise in building captions for movies and songs as well.

Outsourcing transcription companies are extremely talented in converting the given audio file to documents with a quick turnaround time. Apparently, they toil hard to give the clients a well-established and accurate document. Most of the companies are in need for audio transcription services, because they want the transcribed text to be posted in their websites.

Believe it or not, clients can save money as well as receive an error free document from the transcription services in a quick interval of time. In order to achieve it, the audio transcription service providers require a little help from the clients' side. Clients have to be careful while selecting few important things before sending the audio for transcription.
Step 1:
The place that is chosen for an interview or speech has to be calm and not a noisy one. Because, it requires quite a long time to transcribe an audio with noisy recording. The longer the time taken to transcribe, the more the money you have to offer and most of the transcription companies charge per hour for audio transcription. Recording the audio in a quiet place could decrease the transcribing time as well as charge you are going to pay.
Step 2:
It is quite important to choose the right recording equipment. Despite going for analog recorders, opt for digital recorders as the recording can be quite clear in them. Though the file size is found to be very large, it is quite necessary to go with them. There are companies like Olympus and Sony which offer variety of voice recorders and you can make use of anyone of them. Clear recording helps to speed up the transcribing process, thus resulting in a quick turnaround time.
Step 3:
Normally, transcribers do work in their own way. If you want the transcribed document to be in a specific file format, layout and fonts, it is essential to inform the transcribers at the time of placing the order. They will make a note of it and provide the exact type of transcribed document preferred by you.
By following all these steps, you can help your transcription service providers to get back with a cost effective and accurate transcribed document in a short interval of time.

Audio Transcriptions for Different processes are of the view that voice recognition

When voice recognition technology first came into being, many audio transcribers thought that their careers will soon come to an end, but now that the technology has been in existence for more than a decade, commercial use of the technology is yet to reach a level which can pose a serious threat to the existence of audio transcription companies or transcribers.

Production departments of media companies that use audio transcriptions for different processes are of the view that voice recognition does not meet the quality standards that they need in a transcript. The television companies that use transcripts for adding captions into the programs had high expectations from voice recognition applications, but after they were tested, the transcripts had glaring errors in them, and for the captions to synchronize perfectly with the audio in the programs the accuracy that they were looking for was close to 98%.

The healthcare providers felt that voice recognition applications will help them cut down costs on medical transcriptions, and many doctors bought the expensive software, only to dump them later after briefly experimenting them for their dictations. The complex medical terminology that doctors use in the dictations was not recognized accurately by the software, and parts in the medical transcripts were either blank or miss-spelt, requiring re-edit.

The voice recognition technology is based on the process of first converting sound into a digital format which is compatible with the computer, the sampling rate of the application determines the quality of the conversion from analog to digital, and during this process the noise level has to be filtered, so that the microphone does not pick-up any other noise, excepting the speakers, the complexity of the technology needs to be understood for it to be commercially viable. But for this to happen, the multimedia professionals, doctors, attorneys that need audio transcription need training and guidance on using voice recognition technology.

As it appears now, these professionals are satisfied using human resources for audio transcriptions, and audio transcription companies are here to stay, until voice recognition applications are favorably acceptable for use.

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Advantages of Outsourcing Data Conversion Services

Data conversion services is the process of converting data from one format to another. In this era of IT revolution, data conversion services are a vital tool in getting information on finger tips. It has acquired a unique place in this internet driven, fast growing business world.
It gives handiness and security to business organizations in managing, updating and retrieving data. These services help firms to convert their precious data and gather papers into digital format for long-term storage. The data can be stored for the purpose of archiving, easy searching, accessing and sharing.

More and more highly experienced BPO companies are coming into this market providing full range of reliable and trustworthy data conversion services to their clients worldwide. These BPO companies are fully prepared with excellent infrastructure and skilled manpower as per clients' expectations and specifications.

Some of the data conversion services which are available in market are as follows:

■Document conversion
■HTML conversion
■XML conversion
■SGML conversion
■CAD conversion
■Image Conversion
■Book conversion
■PDF conversion
■Catalog conversion
■MS Excel conversion
OCR / ICR Clean up, OMR
It is a process of changing bits from one format to another in order to get relative interoperability or ability to use new features. By outsourcing this services companies can minimize the risk, cut down costs and thereby focus on their core issues. Offshore BPO companies are consistent, simple and one stop solution provider.

Advantages of outsourcing data conversion services:

■Focus on core business activities
■Avoids paper work
■Cuts down operating expenses
■Promotes business as effectively as possible
■Eliminates data redundancy
■Easy accessibility of data at any time
■Systemizes company's data in simpler format
If you are planning to outsource this kind of task to an external service provider, better make sure that the provider is consistent in quality, productivity and customer service operations. Automating any business by conversion services definitely increases the productivity of that company.
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Data Processing Services provider shows up in the form of improved performance

By choosing any one competitive Data Processing Services provider, your work can be completed as effectively as it would be done if you put your own employees to work on it. More importantly finding one provider and assigning him with certain tasks would not, by any means, burn a hole in your pocket. All raw data stored in heaps of databases are processed and refined until they show some meaning in the form of meaningful information. Providers galore in the market and all of them are quite itching to start a successful association with businesses like yours. After all, they would let your business to continue without any hassle as they consume a large proportion of everyday services related to data processing thus letting those people-who would have taken this work- to focus on doing much more productive jobs that challenges their capability and adds value to your business.
Diligent workers have taken up large number of positions in these data processing service firms and this is why even large-scale businesses are quite interested to give them such jobs. For instance, medical claims processing of employees is an important task, which needs to be done properly so as to have the employees' confidence in your business intact. However, running a separate team for that is undoubtedly an unwarranted allocation of human resources. Finding a Data Processing Services firm that is reliable and capable of accurately putting the records in place so that the claims are not rejected is critical.

Firms committed to data processing services render the following services namely check processing, word processing, forms processing and invoice processing. Generally these processing services are subcontracted on an extensive scale by many business firms and probably this behavior should have encouraged such services to concentrate on these four. Specialists are placed on job to process checks as most of the financial transactions happening in a firm are carried out by means of checks. Any anomaly in doing it properly results in loss of reputation. Don't worry they are experts and can get this done effectively. Form processing is not any detachable activity considering how commonly forms are used in many aspects. An electronically intelligent format is used to process such forms and the information is rightly presented in the most favorable structure as well. Invoice processing provides a great deal of utility when it is done by the in-house experts they have with them. Similarly what they provide as a final output at the end of a series of word processing procedures would be nothing but pure information rich in essence and full of meaning.

Realizing the importance of employing a trustworthy Data Processing Services provider shows up in the form of improved performance. Definitely it would as it lets you concentrate more on your primal activities as you continue to remain competitive in the market by making use of exceptionally processed meaningful information supplied by these Data Processing Services. As responsible people in your business make sure you get assisted in data processing services by opting for the best from the market which has several erratic and undeserving service providers as well.

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Data Conversion Service offers flexibility, responsibility and ability to cater to any new process

Now a day’s paper has become outdated and organizations are using online services to avoid paper work. For any organization, its biggest and most important asset is its data and more important is perfect accessibility of that data when it is needed. Sometimes it becomes really very difficult to manage such a large amount of data, especially for firms with large amounts of information, multiple formats, and complex system requirements. In order to avoid such situations of mismanagement conversion services are like bliss. Conversion services allow these organizations to systematize their data by putting it into one format which can be used across many different platforms.

However, with the coming of conversion service, the task of converting data in a desired form has become much easier. In fact, these days, most of the business and work is conducted over the Internet and maintaining data and records in a hard copy has just become a formality thanks to the conversion service. This is how we acquire any information on internet through this service at a click of a mouse. It helps in a simple search on one of the popular engines and the results will be available at a moment’s notice. The same efficiency expectancy holds true for any information regarding conversion service that offers the conversion values for various measurements such as area, length, mass, temperature, speed and volume.

Moreover, by using modern technology and highly skills professional staff, your unstructured data, no matter how voluminous it is, can be converted into series of digital formats on time, that too cost effectively. Conversion services not only save or convert data but it also save time and money of the company. Data Entry Process converts data into PDF formats, JPG formats, word processor, power point, and all type of documents formats, and paper into HTML, XML, SGML and also structured formats.

Data Conversion Service offers flexibility, responsibility and ability to cater to any new process. If you have a data conversion requirement or want to convert bulk documents than take advantage of conversion services. That enables you to handle large volumes of data. As conversion services cover a multitude of formats it is ideal for corporations, educational institutions, library and business. In conversion quality of work is very essential to get outstanding result. Data conversion service prevents access, downloads or copying of confidential documents or information as it customize software for data capture and workflow.

By Converting Data into many different formats like mainframe data, excel worksheets, FoxPro, dbase, paradox, text files etc. Data formats deliver output through FTP, VPN. For privacy and security purpose, we make use of the encryption techniques. Our Data entry professional have expertise to key in alphanumeric characters in a wide range of data format with high accuracy and speed.

For More Information visit us : Data Entry Services , Data Processing Services , Data Conversion Services , Web research services , Image Processing Services , Optical Character reorganization , Optical mark reorganization

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Offshore companies provide data entry

Data entry outsourcing services allows global business organizations to maintain uptime and to be competitively effective. From industries to individuals, professional to retailers all prefers to outsource their back office data entry work to ease their workload at low market rates. Data entry work is not a difficult process but it consumes lot of time and main obstacle is that company need to hire expert people for this service.
Benefits of Data Entry Outsourcing Services
Outsourcing data entry work benefits you financially as well as strategically. Data entry outsourcing gives you benefits by saving time and cost which allow you to increase you business productivity. Many people prefer to outsource their work due to high level of accuracy and low level of cost. Specially trained professional from offshore countries provide you excellent data entry services with significant suggestions. There are several advantages of data entry outsourcing some major advantages are:

1. Advantage of low cost services
2. Fast delivery
3. Access of specialized service
4. Focusing energy and workforce on your core business
5. Save manpower and training costs
6. Increased customer satisfaction
Data entry services include simple text data entry work to alpha numerical entries requires complex calculations. To meet the high flow of data entry work many firms use modern word processing software and hire skilled professional in fast keyboard operating.
Business process outsourcing units engaged in providing data entry services give quick, well-organized and secure data entry solutions to retain their place in competitive outsourcing market. Many organizations provide high level of accuracy with complete confidentiality. These companies also utilize the services of proofreaders in an effort to give high accurate data entry service.
Whether you are a globally operating organization or simple in-house freelancer data entry outsourcing can become your strategic partner to achieve organizational excellence and enjoy business success.
Offshore companies provide data entry and financial services like general data entry, document management, data processing, data conversion, document conversion, scanning and indexing, data cleaning services with use of latest data entry software. Many organizations have in-house research team constantly looking for new ways to increase productivity and effectiveness.

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Professional and Affordable Outsourcing Transcription Services by yantram Transcription Services

We provide Professional, flexible and cost effective Audio Transcription Services and Video Transcription Services. We provide Video and Audio transcription services for DVDs, Videotapes, Webcasts, and Podcasts. We take pride in our transcription services for media, television, market research, conferences, digital audio, video production, businesses, organizations and individuals with the increasing demand in transcribing document forms.

Conference Transcription We transcribe from audio cassette tapes, WMA, MP3, DSS or WAV formats, and CDs, DVDs.

Voicemail Transcription We takes a voicemail you receive, convert it to text, and then send it to you via sms or email.

Cassette Transcription We offer Mini cassette transcription, Micro cassette transcription, Steno cassette transcription.

DVD Transcription We can transcribe from DVDs. The most effective way to do this is to transfer the DVD to the PC using our specialist software.

Mini Disc Transcription Mini disc transcription is recommended for recording interviews and lectures as they produce a good clear recording.
Audio transcription
Conversion of audio files into text
Transcription of digital audio formats
Transcription of no digital audio formats
Telephone Response recordings
General audio dictation

Video Transcription
Quick T-A-T
Cost saving transcript
Captioning services
Adding value to video content
24 X 7 Transcription service
Our services to major television networks

Medical Transcription
Multiple File Transfer Options
Secure 24/7 Access
HL7 Standards
Digital Recorders, Toll Free Numbers
Medical Billing and Collection Service
Interview Transcription One tone interviews
Multiple participant interviews
Group discussions
Legal interviews
Telephone call recordings
Marketing based interviews and research